Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Doing it daily...

So, it's always been my belief that you prep the best you can and then you just start doing it.
Do what?
Anything really.

It can be assumed that no matter what you have decided to take on it's probably not going to be pretty in the beginning.

Amplifiers fail, toilets get clogged, uniforms get wrinkled, and the players forget their lines...until it's well rehearsed and the bugs are worked out which is something that simply cannot be done without putting it out there and dealing with the reality of it.

I reserve the right to announce my "grand openings" months after the whole thing is actually up and running. And the reason for this is that, as I'm certain you have found out for yourself, anything worth the doing requires a bit of "beta-testing" and a good "shake down" before it's really ready for public consumption.

The important thing is that you not become discouraged in the process...thus, don't be too quick to announce.

Few things are as discouraging as the din of "naysayers" as they peer over your shoulder grinding down your enthusiasm and by holding back on the "big announcement" I get to fly freely under the radar (not to mention that is gives those "hip/in the know" people the opportunity to become involved before anybody else...a very attactive prospect for those of that bent). silly as it sounds the thing of which I speak is this "daily blog".

Understand that any forum for self-expression is no problem for me. Expressing myself is something that come quite naturually to me and I love to do it.

In fact, learning to blog is actually a lesson in restraint for me. It has been with some amount of discomfort that I have learned just how quickly any thing said openly can be refitted with a whole new context. And the harder you run to chase the thing down the further out of reach it gets.

At some point, in what I hope is the not too distant future the Sanctuary SoCal website will be officially announced, and this blog, along with our forum, our YouTube channel and my Twitter page will all be exposed and it will be too late to see if I've got this figured out.

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